There is increasing reliable evidence that dental health is intimately related to a person’s overall physical well-being. For example, even if the reasons are not completely clear and understood, recent studies have shown a correlation between gum disease and heart disease. Up to 91% of people with heart disease also have periodontitis, which is a form of gum disease. Endocarditis, the infection of the inner lining of the heart, has also been linked to bacteria from the mouth. The bacteria travel to the heart through the blood stream.Good dental health is the result of close and regular collaborative work between patients and their dentists. Here at East Cobb Dentistry, we encourage our patients to have their teeth professionally cleaned on a regular basis. It is an effective and painless way to maintain a healthy oral environment; one that may just help prevent the onset of more serious medical conditions.
As leading Marietta dentists with over 20 years of experience, we know how crucial it is for our patients to be pro-active in their dental care. In between regular visits to your dentist, here are some effective and easy practices you can incorporate into your everyday dental hygiene routine.
There can be no substitute for regular visits to your dentist to maintain good dental health. If you need cosmetic or dental implants in Marietta, GA, schedule an appointment with us today. We have the experience and the expertise to help you attain and keep that winning smile.